Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our daughter went to the Kentucky Derby last year and we talked about her buying a hat for it. And just lately I was thinking about it and thought it would be fun to do a few paintings of women in big hats.So I started a mini series on ladies " Kentucky Derby" hats.What do you think ?


  1. I went with your daughter and these are great! You have such a fantastic talent! I'm so jealous of that! I, too, like to paint - not very good, but seem to do better when inspired and these paintings are fantastic! Thank you for doing them!

  2. Hi Marci, Thank you for your nice comment.I would love to see some of your work, we " "artists" types never think we are as good as we would like to be.But I bet your work is great. Our daughter said youall had a great time.Please come back for a visit because I will be posting on a regular basis. I'm kinda new at this " blogging" so if you can't send me photos on this, send it to my e-mail alstonfineart@aol.com
    Very best, Alston

  3. Hey Marci, There is a very good site for artists called www.artscuttlebutt.com check it out !

  4. Thank you Deborah.I've sure enjoyed doing them. Have a couple or so more to finish the series.
