Saturday, April 4, 2015
"I've Got Your Back"
I wish you all a very Happy Easter. I hope you get to spend it with loved ones.
Monday, March 9, 2015
A Rose by Any Other Name
I just love bright colors. I hope you like it too.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Sign of Summer
Where we live we seldom have dreary days, but we did have one recently, so I decided to paint a cheery sunflower to brighten the day.
I am painting a series of flowers on small panel board. I like it because you can set them on a desk or shelf, or hang them on the wall. Enjoy
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Am I Blue ?
I put it on a 6" X 6" gallery wrap board. I especially like the gallery wrap because you can sit them on a desk, table, or shelf, or hang them.
Monday, February 9, 2015
White Iris in Pastel
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
I'mmmmm Baaack !
They are now complete, and I am back concentrating on painting.
Creating, illustrating, and writing the books was very rewarding, but I have missed my painting.
I hope my old friends will start to follow me again, and comment on my work. I will be adding work on a regular schedule.
Please ask your friends to check me out.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
New Years Resolution
On behalf of the children in our country and every country I ask you to add one more resolution,and that is to spend some or more time with a small child.
Our children , perhaps unknowingly crave the same things we do, attention, recognition,praise and love. And yet we "adults" are so busy seeking what we feel we need that we sometimes forget that the little ones need those things from us.
It is a proven fact that young children learn quicker and better from birth to 6 or 8 years of age than any other age.
They develop "life habits" during those formative years and it's up to us to teach them "good life habits", like the desire to want to read and learn helpful and beneficial things, and learn to treat others the way they want to be treated.
Some say " oh, they are too young to learn". Well I'm here to tell you that is just not true.If you don't believe it watch how fast a little one learns that if they throw their toy on the floor while sitting on your lap you will pick it up, and they have learned a new game.
Recently I saw a You Tube of several small Asian children playing guitars in concert, they were so small the guitars looked enormous in their little laps.
And the music and harmony that came from those little ones was astounding ! How did they do that at such a young age ? Someone took the time to teach them, and let me tell you they were incredible !
Unfortunately we give children electronic and mechanical games and toys and they learn perhaps more from them( and not always good things) than from us. Not that I'm opposed to those kind of games and toys, but I think they need more "human" relationship.
So please resolve to spend some time with a little one, playing a game or reading to them or teaching them art or music, or just taking a walk and enjoying nature.
Our little ones are truly gifts so lets show our appreciation for them by giving them a bit of ourselves and let them know we appreciate them.
Next time I will give a couple of suggestions on how to teach a child while spending time with them.
Keep in mind, I am an old grandma who loves children and what I give you I call "horse sense" or just plain ole common sense. I do not claim to be an educator.
Until next time show kindness,
Grandma Joy
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Seems like forever
I spend most of my time on my passion which of course is creating my educational coloring books.
Look at my site to see what I'm up to.
I find myself soooooooooo frustrated with our educational system, and feel so bad for so many parents who just do not have the time or energy to spend with their children after a frustrating day of trying to make ends meet.
For that reason I am begging grandparents who might have more time to help by spending time either in person or via the phone or scype with your grandchildren and
share helping with their education.
Folks we MUST help in educating our children or our nation will belong to people who are more educated than we are in the future.
Did you know that China starts teaching their children english at age 3 and by 5 years of age, they are fluent in english? And that is just one of the subjects they teach them at that age.
Please let me know how you feel aboout helping our young ones.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Grandaughter visited
Monday, November 29, 2010
New school visit
Last week I visited the 4th and 5th graders at a Las Vegas Elementary school.It is amazing the differance between the 1st graders and the 4th and 5th graders. The older ones ask lots of questions, and love to share their knowledge with you.They called me " Grandma Joy" but wanted to know what my "name" is,they are great!They ask if they did some research for my next book could I use it in the book,I was thrilled.
There will be no more school visits until January because of the holiday.
When I visit in January I will not go as 'Grandma Joy" but will take some other artists and we will visit the art classes.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Another school visit

I will be visiting the 5th graders at Rose Warren School on November 22. The students are studying about "travel", so it should be interesting to talk to them about geography.
They, too are interested in Alaska, so I will be sharing the "Color Alaska" coloring book with them.
I will share my visit with you afterward.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Art Meeting- Volunteers
I had several volunteers who want to go to the school I'm visiting to work with the art class students.
I'm waiting for my school contact to return from Peru to give us a date to attend.
If you haven't volunteered at a school yet, you have missed a great experience.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Result of School visit
It shows how much the teachers appreciate any help they can get.
Monday, October 18, 2010
School Visit
I had a great time at Rose Warren Elementary School this morning. I talked to the first graders about geography and Alaska in particular.I gave them each a "Color Alaska with Grandma Joy and Grandpappy Happy" coloring book.And color crayons which were donated by a local resturant. They were very attentive when I talked to them and they loved getting the book and crayons.
I also met the art teacher who invited me to come back ( as an artist) and talk to her class about oil painting.
Our children are little dry sponges just waiting for "good moisture for their brains". And I for one will do all I can to try to contribute to helping the teachers any way I can. I hope you will join me by volunteering to visit your local schools.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
School Visit
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Pennsylvania front cover
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Color Pennsylvania
I had forgotten how much of U.S. History is in Pennsylvania.Now I am researching Massachusetts, another state chocked full of history.
I hope you will all join me in helping to educate our children. I will be giving suggestions on my up coming blogs on "how to help" with the education.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Finally Published !
The subject is geography. They are "story" coloring books. A grandma(Grandma Joy) and grandpa (Grandpappy Happy)take their grandchildren to each of the states in the U.S. to teach them about the state by experience.The children learn things about each that they should be taught in school, but are not being taught.While they are having fun coloring they are learning the state capital, where it is located, when it became a state, state flag,animal,flower,tree, plus many important and interesting things about that state.
Please look at my new web site and get a preview of the books, then let me hear your comments and suggestions.
When I finish all 50 states I will be doing other subjects always featuring Grandma Joy and Grandpappy Happy and the Grandchildren.
I would also like to start a Nation wide campaign to have parents and grandparents visit their local schools to read to them and tell them stories.All you have to do is phone your local school and ask if you may come read to the children. The school will guide you and welcome your help.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Still "Learning" with Grandma Joy and Grandpappy Happy
It has been a "learning" experience, working with printers. I did all of my drawings on "drawing" paper and submitted them to the printer only to be told they were"dirty"! ! ! in other words when they were put at a higher resolution to print, all the little impurities on the paper showed. Sooooooo I am in the process of re-drawing all of the books on bristol board so the print will be smooth, thus the reason for my being so quiet on the blog. I have a total of seven books that will be ready for publishing as soon as I get them re-drawn. I have to say this is one of the most interesting projects I have done.
I will keep you posted on my progress.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
GrandmaJoy and Grandpappy
I know you have wondered where I have been . Well I have been so busy happily creating and illustrating a series of educational coloring books for children.
I will shortly be posting them, so come back soon.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Ice Box Canyon 18 X 24
Monday, August 31, 2009
Green Grapes 14 X 11
Arch Rock - Up Close 60 X 48

I posted a wider view I did of this prior. This park has so many different shaped rocks or mountains it can be a series of it's own. It is a great place to picnic and hike.One of Las Vegas local secrets. It is actually about an hour and half or so north of Vegas, but I think of it as belonging to Vegas.
I would reccomend going there in the fall or spring NOT July or August ! It's a little HOT those months.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Arch Rock at Valley of Fire 18 X 24

is a Nevada State Park which consists of fascinating natural rock formations.
Depending on the time of day and where the sun reflects on the rocks, they are various shades of red to pink to beige. On this particular there were lots of high ,mostly thin clouds, which made me think the rocks looked like " water colored pictures" ( of course this one is oil ).
In the fall and spring this is a great place to picnic, hike, bike or even just drive around and marvel at the beautiful scenery. The rocks here have various names like 7 sisters, beehive etc. so I will be painting many of them.My next one ( already started) is a 5 Ft. by 4 Ft. Close up of just the arch. I will post it when finished.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Cardinal Grapes 14 X 11
18 X 24

I finally finished this painting of Red Rock Canyon.
It is unbelievable how different the colors are on the mountains at different times of the day. Tomorrow we are going up to the canyon VERY early in the morning to see how they look with the sun rising on them.I also need to get the correct name of each mountain because there are a number of different ones and I can't call them all Red Rock Canyon, even though you see them from there. I will title this after our trip tomorrow.
I'm almost finished with a painting of Arch Rock which is in Valley of fire, another of our beautiful state parks.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I have been so busy working on three (3) new paintings, 2 landscapes and a cluster of grapes. Plus I'm making a new web site, one I can manage my self. It is very time consuming but I hope I will like it when I'm finished. I will be posting one of my new paintings very soon. And also my new web site information.
I think our 112 degree weather has also slowed me down a bit. Sure do look forward to fall ( Oh NO ! ! ! I don't mean to rush the time.
How is your summer going ?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Valley of Fire State Park - Nevada

24 X 18 Available
The name Las Vegas usually brings to mind, bright lights, show girls, casinos, gambling , glamour etc. which it is. However, we also have some of the most spectacular natural beauty in the country. We have Red Rock Canyon State Park and Valley of Fire State Park which are unbelievable. Because of the mineral content in the soil and rocks the colors are magnificent, and when the sun hits the mountains look out they are unreal looking colors.
I am doing a series of desert landscapes and this is the first in the series. Hope you like it.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Red Rock Canyon 18 X 24 SOLD

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Mmmmmmmmm Garlic 14 X 11

I tried to grow some garlic in a pot last year but my pot was too small and the roots had no room to grow ! ! I love cooking with garlic and was so disappointed , but I said " Oh well another learning experience ". Then I did the intellengent thing and read " how to grow garlic" and so armed with my new found knowledge I will try again this year.
In the mean time I painted a couple I bought from the store .
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Waiting For Her Brave 14 X 11

I started a series called " Honoring Native American Women" a while ago and then got distracted and haven't finished it.But it is still something I WILL finish because I started it to really honor my mother who was Cherokee and Irish ,she was born in 1900 and the Native American people were still very discriminated against and since her last name was Irish they just claimed to be Irish to avoid discrimination.I look very Irish but have always said my heart I Cherokee and I love and respect the Native American people.So I have studied their history and my series depicts the women doing things they naturally did in every day life.Native American women were very respected and honored by their people.
I have been thinking about the series and getting back to it and that inspired me to do this maiden. I hope you like her.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Prickly Pear 2 16 X 20
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hot Peppers 14 X 11

The HOT PEPPERS in my garden are all forming and I can almost feel the burn in my mouth.I have jalapeno, haberno and Thi peppers growing.I make a wonderful hot pepper jelly that is delicious and since my family and friends all like it jars of it makes yummy gifts. But since the real ones are not ready yet I decided to paint some.
Hope you enjoy them.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Apples 9 1/2 X 8

A year or so ago while visiting my son in Washington state I saved the seeds from one of the apples I had eaten.I dried them and brought them home with me, and promptly forgot about them until I was looking in my seed stash when planting my garden this year. So I planted them and much to my happy surprise I have two seedling ! ! It will be so exciting if I can actually grow a tree from one of them. In the meantime I hope you enjoy seeing my acrylic painting of apples.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Ripe Pears 9 1/2 X 8
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Fancy Sunbonnet 20 X 16
Saturday, March 14, 2009

I had such fun doing this hat. She is such a contrast to my cowgirl. I think I will do a couple more " Kentucky Derby" girls then do some thing really different.
For those of you who "create" you know what a joy it is, and perhaps for some of you like me who never thought you could, there just aren't words for me to discribe how much satisifaction it give me to finish a work and feel good about it.
Please let me know what you think.
Friday, February 27, 2009
I'm a Real Cowgirl
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Calla Lillies
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
My Choice

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Denise's wedding bouquet

This was a commission I had for a bride. It is her bridal bouquet in oil. Oil paintings of bridal bouquets also make wonderful anniversary gifts. If you have a good photo of someone's bouquet and would like me to paint it, please e-mail me
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Prickly Pear
Oil paintings
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